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- Clinical Keyword: Thyroiditis
Endocrinology expert specializing in diabetes, pituitary, and adrenal disorders, dedicated to improving patient quality of life with personalized care and cutting-edge research on the cardiovascular effects of diabetes medications.
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- Appointments Available
- Telehealth Available
Aetna, Aetna Medicare, Anthem Exchange, Anthem BC/BS, Anthem Medicare, Cigna, Cigna Medicare Advantage, ConnectiCare, ConnectiCare Exchange, ConnectiCare Medicare, Consumer Health Network (CHN) PPO, Great West Healthcare, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Medicaid, Medicare, Multiplan, Oxford, PHCS, TRICARE, TRICARE for Life, UnitedHealthcare, UnitedHealthcare Medicare, US Family Health Plan, Veteran Choice Program (VCP), WellCare of Connecticut Medicare Advantage, Worker's Compensation (all carriers registered with the State of Connecticut, Yale-New Haven Hospital, and Yale University, including Consumer Health Network (CHN), and Prime Health Services, Inc.)Endocrinology expert specializing in diabetes, pituitary, and adrenal disorders, dedicated to improving patient quality of life with personalized care and cutting-edge research on the cardiovascular effects of diabetes medications.
Board-certified diagnostic radiologist and neuroradiologist dedicated to compassionate patient care and precise diagnosis in emergency radiology.
- Appointments Available
Aetna, Aetna Medicare, Anthem Exchange, Anthem BC/BS, Anthem Medicare, Cigna, Cigna Medicare Advantage, ConnectiCare, ConnectiCare Exchange, ConnectiCare Medicare, Consumer Health Network (CHN) PPO, Great West Healthcare, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Medicaid, Medicare, Multiplan, Oxford, PHCS, TRICARE, TRICARE for Life, UnitedHealthcare, UnitedHealthcare Medicare, US Family Health Plan, Veteran Choice Program (VCP), WellCare of Connecticut Medicare Advantage, Worker's Compensation (all carriers registered with the State of Connecticut, Yale-New Haven Hospital, and Yale University, including Consumer Health Network (CHN), and Prime Health Services, Inc.)Board-certified diagnostic radiologist and neuroradiologist dedicated to compassionate patient care and precise diagnosis in emergency radiology.
- Accepting New Patients
Pediatric endocrinology specialist focusing on thyroid disorders, pituitary, adrenal, and growth problems in children, providing comprehensive care from infancy through young adulthood and enjoying solving complex medical puzzles.
- Accepting New Patients
- Appointments Available
- Online Scheduling Available
- Telehealth Available
Aetna, Aetna Medicare, Anthem Exchange, Anthem BC/BS, Anthem Medicare, Cigna, Cigna Medicare Advantage, ConnectiCare, ConnectiCare Exchange, ConnectiCare Medicare, Consumer Health Network (CHN) PPO, Great West Healthcare, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Medicaid, Medicare, Multiplan, Oxford, PHCS, TRICARE, TRICARE for Life, UnitedHealthcare, UnitedHealthcare Medicare, US Family Health Plan, Veteran Choice Program (VCP), WellCare of Connecticut Medicare Advantage, Worker's Compensation (all carriers registered with the State of Connecticut, Yale-New Haven Hospital, and Yale University, including Consumer Health Network (CHN), and Prime Health Services, Inc.)Pediatric endocrinology specialist focusing on thyroid disorders, pituitary, adrenal, and growth problems in children, providing comprehensive care from infancy through young adulthood and enjoying solving complex medical puzzles.
Ultrasound imaging specialist focusing on vascular and gynecologic conditions, including diagnostic ultrasounds for liver and kidney transplants, first trimester pregnancy, and pelvic health, with an emphasis on patient education and support.
- Accepting New Patients
- Appointments Available
Aetna, Aetna Medicare, Anthem Exchange, Anthem BC/BS, Anthem Medicare, Cigna, Cigna Medicare Advantage, ConnectiCare, ConnectiCare Exchange, ConnectiCare Medicare, Consumer Health Network (CHN) PPO, Great West Healthcare, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Medicaid, Medicare, Multiplan, Oxford, PHCS, TRICARE, TRICARE for Life, UnitedHealthcare, UnitedHealthcare Medicare, US Family Health Plan, Veteran Choice Program (VCP), WellCare of Connecticut Medicare Advantage, Worker's Compensation (all carriers registered with the State of Connecticut, Yale-New Haven Hospital, and Yale University, including Consumer Health Network (CHN), and Prime Health Services, Inc.)Ultrasound imaging specialist focusing on vascular and gynecologic conditions, including diagnostic ultrasounds for liver and kidney transplants, first trimester pregnancy, and pelvic health, with an emphasis on patient education and support.
Expert in abdominal and pelvic imaging dedicated to advancing medical education, with special research in male genitourinary imaging and MRI contrast dye safety.
Expert in abdominal and pelvic imaging dedicated to advancing medical education, with special research in male genitourinary imaging and MRI contrast dye safety.