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- Fact Sheet: Endocarditis
Expert in infectious diseases, specializing in HIV/AIDS care, diabetic foot infections, prosthetic joint infections, and urinary tract infections, committed to long-term patient care and emotional support.
- Accepting New Patients
- Appointments Available
- Telehealth Available
Aetna, Aetna Medicare, Anthem Exchange, Anthem BC/BS, Anthem Medicare, Cigna, Cigna Medicare Advantage, ConnectiCare, ConnectiCare Exchange, ConnectiCare Medicare, Consumer Health Network (CHN) PPO, Great West Healthcare, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Medicaid, Medicare, Multiplan, Oxford, PHCS, TRICARE, TRICARE for Life, UnitedHealthcare, UnitedHealthcare Medicare, US Family Health Plan, Veteran Choice Program (VCP), WellCare of Connecticut Medicare Advantage, Worker's Compensation (all carriers registered with the State of Connecticut, Yale-New Haven Hospital, and Yale University, including Consumer Health Network (CHN), and Prime Health Services, Inc.)Expert in infectious diseases, specializing in HIV/AIDS care, diabetic foot infections, prosthetic joint infections, and urinary tract infections, committed to long-term patient care and emotional support.
Expert in infectious diseases dedicated to treating cellulitis, bacterial endocarditis, abscesses, UTIs, and complex bone/joint infections, with research focusing on prosthetic joint infections and tropical diseases.
- Accepting New Patients
- Appointments Available
- Telehealth Available
Aetna, Aetna Medicare, Anthem Exchange, Anthem BC/BS, Anthem Medicare, Cigna, Cigna Medicare Advantage, ConnectiCare, ConnectiCare Exchange, ConnectiCare Medicare, Consumer Health Network (CHN) PPO, Great West Healthcare, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Medicaid, Medicare, Multiplan, Oxford, PHCS, TRICARE, TRICARE for Life, UnitedHealthcare, UnitedHealthcare Medicare, US Family Health Plan, Veteran Choice Program (VCP), WellCare of Connecticut Medicare Advantage, Worker's Compensation (all carriers registered with the State of Connecticut, Yale-New Haven Hospital, and Yale University, including Consumer Health Network (CHN), and Prime Health Services, Inc.)Expert in infectious diseases dedicated to treating cellulitis, bacterial endocarditis, abscesses, UTIs, and complex bone/joint infections, with research focusing on prosthetic joint infections and tropical diseases.
Expert in managing HIV, hepatitis C, joint infections, osteomyelitis, and staph infections, dedicated to helping patients thrive and lead normal lives.
- Accepting New Patients
- Appointments Available
- Telehealth Available
Aetna, Aetna Medicare, Anthem Exchange, Anthem BC/BS, Anthem Medicare, Cigna, Cigna Medicare Advantage, ConnectiCare, ConnectiCare Exchange, ConnectiCare Medicare, Consumer Health Network (CHN) PPO, Great West Healthcare, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Medicaid, Medicare, Multiplan, Oxford, PHCS, TRICARE, TRICARE for Life, UnitedHealthcare, UnitedHealthcare Medicare, US Family Health Plan, Veteran Choice Program (VCP), WellCare of Connecticut Medicare Advantage, Worker's Compensation (all carriers registered with the State of Connecticut, Yale-New Haven Hospital, and Yale University, including Consumer Health Network (CHN), and Prime Health Services, Inc.)Expert in managing HIV, hepatitis C, joint infections, osteomyelitis, and staph infections, dedicated to helping patients thrive and lead normal lives.
- Accepting New Patients
- Appointments Available
- Telehealth Available
Aetna, Aetna Medicare, Anthem Exchange, Anthem BC/BS, Anthem Medicare, Cigna, Cigna Medicare Advantage, ConnectiCare, ConnectiCare Exchange, ConnectiCare Medicare, Consumer Health Network (CHN) PPO, Great West Healthcare, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Medicaid, Medicare, Multiplan, Oxford, PHCS, TRICARE, TRICARE for Life, UnitedHealthcare, UnitedHealthcare Medicare, US Family Health Plan, Veteran Choice Program (VCP), WellCare of Connecticut Medicare Advantage, Worker's Compensation (all carriers registered with the State of Connecticut, Yale-New Haven Hospital, and Yale University, including Consumer Health Network (CHN), and Prime Health Services, Inc.)Expert in infectious diseases and medical informatics focused on treating chronic hepatitis C and advancing outpatient intravenous antibiotic therapy through innovative electronic tracking systems.
- Accepting New Patients
- Appointments Available
- Telehealth Available
Aetna, Aetna Medicare, Anthem Exchange, Anthem BC/BS, Anthem Medicare, Cigna, Cigna Medicare Advantage, ConnectiCare, ConnectiCare Exchange, ConnectiCare Medicare, Consumer Health Network (CHN) PPO, Great West Healthcare, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Medicaid, Medicare, Multiplan, Oxford, PHCS, TRICARE, TRICARE for Life, UnitedHealthcare, UnitedHealthcare Medicare, US Family Health Plan, Veteran Choice Program (VCP), WellCare of Connecticut Medicare Advantage, Worker's Compensation (all carriers registered with the State of Connecticut, Yale-New Haven Hospital, and Yale University, including Consumer Health Network (CHN), and Prime Health Services, Inc.)Expert in infectious diseases and medical informatics focused on treating chronic hepatitis C and advancing outpatient intravenous antibiotic therapy through innovative electronic tracking systems.
- Accepting New Patients
- Appointments Available
Aetna, Aetna Medicare, Anthem Exchange, Anthem BC/BS, Anthem Medicare, Cigna, Cigna Medicare Advantage, ConnectiCare, ConnectiCare Exchange, ConnectiCare Medicare, Consumer Health Network (CHN) PPO, Great West Healthcare, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Medicaid, Medicare, Multiplan, Oxford, PHCS, TRICARE, TRICARE for Life, UnitedHealthcare, UnitedHealthcare Medicare, US Family Health Plan, Veteran Choice Program (VCP), WellCare of Connecticut Medicare Advantage, Worker's Compensation (all carriers registered with the State of Connecticut, Yale-New Haven Hospital, and Yale University, including Consumer Health Network (CHN), and Prime Health Services, Inc.)- Accepting New Patients
- Appointments Available
- Telehealth Available
Aetna, Aetna Medicare, Anthem Exchange, Anthem BC/BS, Anthem Medicare, Cigna, Cigna Medicare Advantage, ConnectiCare, ConnectiCare Exchange, ConnectiCare Medicare, Consumer Health Network (CHN) PPO, Great West Healthcare, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Medicaid, Medicare, Multiplan, Oxford, PHCS, TRICARE, TRICARE for Life, UnitedHealthcare, UnitedHealthcare Medicare, US Family Health Plan, Veteran Choice Program (VCP), WellCare of Connecticut Medicare Advantage, Worker's Compensation (all carriers registered with the State of Connecticut, Yale-New Haven Hospital, and Yale University, including Consumer Health Network (CHN), and Prime Health Services, Inc.)Infectious disease specialist focused on HIV and AIDS, advocating personalized care, community partnerships, and advancing treatments to help patients live normal lives.
- Accepting New Patients
- Appointments Available
- Telehealth Available
Aetna, Aetna Medicare, Anthem Exchange, Anthem BC/BS, Anthem Medicare, Cigna, Cigna Medicare Advantage, ConnectiCare, ConnectiCare Exchange, ConnectiCare Medicare, Consumer Health Network (CHN) PPO, Great West Healthcare, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Medicaid, Medicare, Multiplan, Oxford, PHCS, TRICARE, TRICARE for Life, UnitedHealthcare, UnitedHealthcare Medicare, US Family Health Plan, Veteran Choice Program (VCP), WellCare of Connecticut Medicare Advantage, Worker's Compensation (all carriers registered with the State of Connecticut, Yale-New Haven Hospital, and Yale University, including Consumer Health Network (CHN), and Prime Health Services, Inc.)Infectious disease specialist focused on HIV and AIDS, advocating personalized care, community partnerships, and advancing treatments to help patients live normal lives.
Infectious diseases expert specializing in vulnerable immune systems and complex infections, dedicated to collaborative care and advancing antifungal medication decision making.
- Accepting New Patients
- Appointments Available
- Telehealth Available
Aetna, Aetna Medicare, Anthem Exchange, Anthem BC/BS, Anthem Medicare, Cigna, Cigna Medicare Advantage, ConnectiCare, ConnectiCare Exchange, ConnectiCare Medicare, Consumer Health Network (CHN) PPO, Great West Healthcare, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Medicaid, Medicare, Multiplan, Oxford, PHCS, TRICARE, TRICARE for Life, UnitedHealthcare, UnitedHealthcare Medicare, US Family Health Plan, Veteran Choice Program (VCP), WellCare of Connecticut Medicare Advantage, Worker's Compensation (all carriers registered with the State of Connecticut, Yale-New Haven Hospital, and Yale University, including Consumer Health Network (CHN), and Prime Health Services, Inc.)Infectious diseases expert specializing in vulnerable immune systems and complex infections, dedicated to collaborative care and advancing antifungal medication decision making.
Expert in cardiovascular medicine and cardiac imaging, diagnosing and treating heart conditions like ischemic heart disease, congestive heart failure, and atrial fibrillation while advancing patient care quality and utilizing artificial intelligence in cardiac imaging.
- Accepting New Patients
- Appointments Available
- Telehealth Available
Aetna, Aetna Medicare, Anthem Exchange, Anthem BC/BS, Anthem Medicare, Cigna, Cigna Medicare Advantage, ConnectiCare, ConnectiCare Exchange, ConnectiCare Medicare, Consumer Health Network (CHN) PPO, Great West Healthcare, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Medicaid, Medicare, Multiplan, Oxford, PHCS, TRICARE, TRICARE for Life, UnitedHealthcare, UnitedHealthcare Medicare, US Family Health Plan, Veteran Choice Program (VCP), WellCare of Connecticut Medicare Advantage, Worker's Compensation (all carriers registered with the State of Connecticut, Yale-New Haven Hospital, and Yale University, including Consumer Health Network (CHN), and Prime Health Services, Inc.)Expert in cardiovascular medicine and cardiac imaging, diagnosing and treating heart conditions like ischemic heart disease, congestive heart failure, and atrial fibrillation while advancing patient care quality and utilizing artificial intelligence in cardiac imaging.