Pediatric neurogenic bladder is a condition in which nerve damage prevents communication between bladder muscles and the brain. Learn about symptoms and treatment.
Ovarian torsion is when the ovary twists on the tissues that support it.
Pediatric urology is a branch of medicine addressing urinary-tract system and sexual development issues in children.
Wide-awake needle arthroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure used to diagnose and treat certain joint injuries and conditions while the patient is fully awake.
A tear resulting from acute injury to or degeneration of meniscus.
A urinary tract infection is a condition in which there is an Infection along the urinary tract. Learn about symptoms and treatment.
Neurogenic bladder happens when the body's muscles and nerves fail to communicate correctly. The result can be loss of bladder control.
Damage to articular cartilage at the ends of bones in joints like the knee, elbow, ankle, and hip.
Pediatric incontinence refers to daytime or nighttime loss of bladder control in children. Learn about symptoms and treatment.
Urinary tract infections are bacterial infections that occur in the urinary tract. Learn about symptoms and treatment.