Squamous cell carcinoma is a cancer in the middle and outer skin layers caused by ultraviolet (UV) exposure. Learn about symptoms and treatment.
Photoaging is when the sun prematurely—and sometimes dangerously—ages the skin. Learn about symptoms and treatment.
While not cancerous, benign growths on the eyelid or eye can become uncomfortable or interfere with vision. These growths are common and treatable.
Botox and fillers are cosmetic injectables that can relax or fill in fine lines and wrinkles. Learn more about this treatment.
Basal cell carcinoma accounts for 80 percent of all skin cancers. The cause is damage to the DNA of cells in the epidermis, the top layer of the skin.
Mohs surgery is a type of surgery for skin cancer that minimizes the amount of skin removed. Learn more about this procedure.
Anosmia is a condition that causes a person to partially or completely lose his or her sense of smell. Learn about symptoms and treatment.
Keloids are overgrowths of scar tissue that can sometimes appear when an injury heals. Learn about symptoms and treatment.
Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that forms in the cells that produce skin color. Learn about symptoms and treatment.
Melanocytic nevus is the medical term for moles. They can develop on any part of the body and in most cases, they don't require treatment.