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Phase Pilot

EPIPHANY study for people with moderate to severe asthma

  • Study HIC#:2000032380
  • Last Updated:05/03/2024

The EPIPHANY study aims to identify the best treatments for people with moderate to severe asthma by using a new approach where each participant will be treated with guideline-based standard of care throughout the study and then evaluated by clinical responses and changes in expression of genes after treatment with FDA approved medications: systemic corticosteroid (triamcinolone acetonide), and two biologics for moderate to severe asthma an anti-IL-5 receptor (benralizumab) and anti-IL-4 receptor (dupilumab). Participation will include a screening and run-in period and if you qualify, 10 additional clinical visits. Study procedures include questionnaires, measurements, maintenance of a peak flow diary, blood draws, sputum (a mixture of saliva and mucus coughed up from the respiratory tract) collection, spirometry, fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) tests, and nasal brushings.

    Contact Us

    For more information about this study, including how to volunteer, contact:

    Katie Spaulding

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    Trial Purpose and Description

    The EPIPHANY study aims to identify the best treatments for people with moderate to severe asthma by using a new approach where each participant will be treated with guideline-based standard of care throughout the study and then evaluated by clinical responses and changes in expression of genes after treatment with FDA approved medications: systemic corticosteroid (triamcinolone acetonide), and two biologics for moderate to severe asthma an anti-IL-5 receptor (benralizumab) and anti-IL-4 receptor (dupilumab). Participation will include a screening and run-in period and if you qualify, 10 additional clinical visits. Study procedures include questionnaires, measurements, maintenance of a peak flow diary, blood draws, sputum (a mixture of saliva and mucus coughed up from the respiratory tract) collection, spirometry, fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) tests, and nasal brushings.

    Eligibility Criteria


    • Male or female ages 18-65,
    • Stable asthma medications, no changes in 2 months prior to screening,
    • Use of high dose ICS and an additional controller medication,
    • Baseline of poor or uncontrolled asthma,
    • Bronchodilator reversibility/positive methacholine,
    • Compliance to asthma medication and adherence to study protocol >80%.

    Principal Investigator

    For more information about this study, including how to volunteer, contact: