Child development is a series of skills and stages that occur in a child between birth and adulthood.
Muscular dystrophy refers to a group of more than 30 disorders that impair the body’s ability to build and restore muscle. Learn about symptoms and treatment.
Developmental delay occurs when a child’s progression through predictable developmental phases slows, stops, or reverses. Learn about symptoms and treatment.
A medical device that is placed in the stomach and inflated so it takes up space. It remains in place for six months before it is removed.
Basal cell carcinoma accounts for 80 percent of all skin cancers. The cause is damage to the DNA of cells in the epidermis, the top layer of the skin.
Mosaicism is a condition that occurs when a person has two or more genetically separate sets of cells in his or her body.
Lipodystrophy is a group of rare diseases that cause abnormal distribution of fat throughout a person's body. Learn about symptoms and treatment.
A wrist fracture is a break in one of the small bones in the wrist joint or, more commonly, the distal radius. Learn about symptoms and treatments.
A pediatric sleep study is an evaluation that analyzes a child's sleeping habits in the controlled setting of a sleep lab.