Spinal deformities are abnormal alignments or curves in the bony vertebral column that forms the spine. Learn about causes and treatment.
Minimally invasive spinal procedures allow surgeons to navigate the spine and isolate a patient’s spinal problems, with better results and faster recovery.
Minimally invasive surgery is a type of surgery that involves smaller incisions and shorter recovery time. Learn more about these procedures.
Robotic surgery is surgery in which a surgeon controls surgical instruments attached to robotic arms.
A method of gradually reducing the degree of curvature of the spines of people with severe spinal deformities.
The term “nerve block“ refers to a procedure that blocks pain from reaching specific nerves. Learn more about this procedure.
Spinal tumors are benign or cancerous tissue growths in or surrounding the spine.
Sacroiliac joint fusion is a minimally invasive procedure, done under image guidance, to place titanium implants across the sacroiliac joint for stability.
A condition that occurs when age-related spinal changes lead to compression of the nerves in the back.
Artificial disk replacement surgery replaces damaged spinal discs with manufactured discs. Learn more about this procedure.