Acute kidney injury is an episode of sudden kidney damage or failure.
A disease in which damage to the kidneys renders them unable to properly filter waste and toxins from the blood.
Yale Medicine has one of the country’s first renal (kidney) pathology labs and deep expertise in diagnosing the disease. Learn how this condition is diagnosed.
Lupus is an autoimmune disease that causes rampant inflammation throughout the body; lupus nephritis is the diagnosis when the kidneys are involved.
An AV fistula is a procedure that connects an artery to a vein in preparation for dialysis. Learn about this procedure.
Kidney transplant in children is a procedure that provides a donated kidney to a child with end-stage renal disease. Learn about this procedure.
Organ transplants, including heart, liver, kidney and pancreas, require highly specialized anesthesiology skills.
Apheresis is a technology that separates donated blood components to treat certain illnesses. Learn more about this procedure.
Dyspnea is a medical term that describes shortness of breath, and a feeling of starving for oxygen. Learn about symptoms and treatment.
Bedside ultrasound is an advanced technology that's especially helpful in emergency medicine, allowing doctors to closely monitor patients.