Limb length discrepancy, also called limb length inequality, is a condition in which an individual's arms are legs are of unequal lengths.
Also known as wry neck or twisted neck, torticllis is a condition in which a person's head tilts to one side.
Growth plate injuries are injuries to new bone tissue at the ends of a child's bones that can affect how they grow. Learn about symptoms and treatment.
A wrist fracture is a break in one of the small bones in the wrist joint or, more commonly, the distal radius. Learn about symptoms and treatments.
Short statue is typically diagnosed when a child's height is two standard deviations from the mean for his or her age and gender. Learn about causes and treatment.
A complex fracture is a traumatic injury involving multiple breaks in a bone and damaged soft tissue. Learn about symptoms and treatment.
An abnormal curvature of the spine. Scoliosis can affect people of any age, but most commonly begins between ages 10 and 15.
Developmental delay occurs when a child’s progression through predictable developmental phases slows, stops, or reverses. Learn about symptoms and treatment.
A broken ankle is a condition in which tiny fissures to larger cracks and snaps occur in the ankle. Learn about symptoms and treatment.
Cancers that begin in the soft tissues of the body such as fat, muscle, nerves, blood vessels, and fibrous tissues.