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Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Girls Who Experienced Weight-related Bullying

  • Study HIC#:2000028551
  • Last Updated:02/22/2024

Teen girls between 11 and 17 years old who have been bullied because of weight may be eligible to participate in a free and confidential study that will help you cope in a healthy way.

Treatment includes weekly meetings for 3 months. This treatment is being delivered remotely/virtually (telehealth phone or video meetings with a clinician).

Compensation up to $140.

To learn more or see if you are eligible, please contact the TEEN POWER program in the Yale Program for Obesity, Weight, and Eating Research at (203) 785-7210,, or fill out our online form at, to receive a call.

  • Age11 years - 17 years
  • GenderFemale only

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Trial Purpose and Description

Pilot a new cognitive-behavioral treatment (CBT) for weight-related bullying testing (1) feasibility, (2) acceptability, and (3) initial efficacy.

Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility criteria:

Inclusion Criteria: To be included, adolescents must:

  1. Be in the age range ≥11 years old and ≤17 years old;
  2. Identify as female
  3. Report experiencing weight-related bullying
  4. Report current distress about weight-related bullying
  5. Be otherwise-healthy youth (i.e., no uncontrolled or serious medical conditions);
  6. Read, comprehend, and write English at a sufficient level to complete study-related materials;
  7. Be located in the United States and available for participation in the study for 3 months.

Exclusion Criteria: Prospective participants will be excluded if the adolescent:

  1. Has a medical or psychiatric condition that would require hospitalization or intensive care (e.g., severe anorexia, neurological disorder, psychotic disorders, suicidality);
  2. Has uncontrolled medical condition(s) (e.g., uncontrolled diabetes or hypertension);
  3. Is pregnant or breastfeeding;
  4. Is taking medication(s) or participating in treatment(s) that could influence weight or appetite;
  5. Is engaged in concurrent treatments that focus on trauma-related stress;
  6. Began taking hormonal contraceptives less than 3 months prior;
  7. Has a developmental or cognitive disorder (e.g., autism spectrum disorder);
  8. Has avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder; or
  9. Is participating in another clinical research study.

Principal Investigator


For more information about this study, including how to volunteer, contact: