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Phase Pilot

Craving, Reward Learning and Decision Making in Addiction

  • Study HIC#:2000023463
  • Last Updated:05/24/2024

This behavioral and fMRI study is designed to determine the influence of craving on risk perception and risky behavior. We will assess risk preferences using an economic gambling task, where participants decide between simulated gambles of different amount. Further, we want to examine conscious knowledge of risk, specifically risk for oneself and others, and will be asking participants to rate the riskiness of gambles in the economic gambling task. One of the defining features of addiction is craving, and individuals with addiction are often in a state of craving which may influence both their risk perception and riskiness of decisions. Therefore, we will experimentally induce a state of craving. Drug using participants will complete the economic decision making task, as well as a reward learning task, in both the craving and non-craving states to determine how the craving state contributes to their risk-taking behavior and perception of risk.


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    Trial Purpose and Description

    This behavioral and fMRI study is designed to determine the influence of craving on risk perception and risky behavior. We will assess risk preferences using an economic gambling task, where participants decide between simulated gambles of different amount. Further, we want to examine conscious knowledge of risk, specifically risk for oneself and others, and will be asking participants to rate the riskiness of gambles in the economic gambling task. One of the defining features of addiction is craving, and individuals with addiction are often in a state of craving which may influence both their risk perception and riskiness of decisions. Therefore, we will experimentally induce a state of craving. Drug using participants will complete the economic decision making task, as well as a reward learning task, in both the craving and non-craving states to determine how the craving state contributes to their risk-taking behavior and perception of risk. 

    Eligibility Criteria

    If you are 18 to 65 years old, you may be eligible to participate in a confidential study. Participants will be compensated $15 per hour, with the potential to earn up to $150 (paid in gift cards) to complete behavioral tasks and fMRIThe study will consist of a basic screening, 2 in-person visits, and phone/online follow-up assessments.


    To learn more or to see if you are eligible to participate, call 203-737-5690 or email

    Principal Investigator


    For more information about this study, including how to volunteer, contact: